2 October 2017

Frostgrave: Houses

Just finished some houses from Figurebitz (Now sold by Laser Model Store). Very nice mdf kits and the first mdf kits I got myself. Super cheap as well. This is part of my Frostgrave collection.

I painted the elements with cheap spray paint before assembly. Primed the walls white, then grey. The timbered parts were sprayed black. Roofs are wolf grey by Army Painter (blueish) with a verdigris paint on each roof tile.

Snow is made from a mix of flock, sand, bakingsoda, glue and white acryllic paint.

Lastly I've covered the entire buildings in matt white spray paint from a distance of around 60cm (2ft) for a nice frosty looks. Binds all the Frostgrave terrain nicely together.

Small ruin
Only upgrade to the kit. I added a wooden floor. It's just thin cardboard with texture painted in with a pencil, before basecoating it all.

Tudor House
This set is actually not meant to be a ruin. But I want my entire city in ruins. So I cut holes in each storey and painted it like burned areas. Besides looking cool it'll also add some easy acces and better line of sight lines during gaming.

Also added wooden floors to this building.

The house is easy to take apart during gaming if entering the building.

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic! The modifications to the Tutor house are excellent


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