Model from Reaper Bones. Cheap and easy to paint. I actually really like this monster model and he'll be good in dungeon crawlers as well.
He's primed Necrotic Flesh from Army Painter, had the little boils done in red. After quick shade varnish I've given the entire models a layer of Nurgles Rot. He looks really slimey.
Another part of the Frostgrave Beastiary done. Giant worms also make an appearance in This Is Not A Test.
30 December 2017
29 December 2017
40k: Herald of Nurgle
Got this lovely sluggish Herald of Nurgle from an auction. He's part of a kit with a Demon Prince called Mamon. I really don't like painting and working with resin, but this model is super cool. Much cooler than the ordinary plastic Herald of Nurgle.
Though not part of the Death Guard, he'll see much use in my games.
He's also a steal on the battle field. Cheap in points, boosting the strength of all demons (and so also Mortarion and my drones). And he can heal other demons as well.
Though not part of the Death Guard, he'll see much use in my games.
He's also a steal on the battle field. Cheap in points, boosting the strength of all demons (and so also Mortarion and my drones). And he can heal other demons as well.
28 December 2017
Dungeon Saga: Zombies and Armoured Zombies
Here's my zombies for Dungeon Saga. I especially like the armoured zombies, those are not seen often in games. I've done some quick reposing of the zombie arms with hot water. For variety I went with very different colours on their clothing.
These guys will also see action in Frostgrave games.
23 December 2017
Frostgrave: Zombies
My collection of zombies from Frostgrave. I'm simply using my models from Dungeon Saga and Hero Quest. I mostly put the Hero Quest models on the table, because those old sculpts are so lovely!
The stone basing on the Hero Quest models are done with pieces of plastic cards. It adds a lot to those old models.
The stone basing on the Hero Quest models are done with pieces of plastic cards. It adds a lot to those old models.
22 December 2017
40k: Typhus - Host of the Destroyer Hive
I've created my own version fo Typhus from the Dark Imperium Lord of Contagion. The open belly has been covered up with greenstuff, his arms are repositioned. I've added some choped of heads from my bits box.
The scythe blade is made from plastic card and is done in the same style as my converted Mortarion and Deathshroud Terminators. The screw nuts are made from a Green Stuff World press mold, an excellent little tool.
The head is an old (several editions back) chaos warrior from Fantasy. The first multi pose chaos warriors. The horn is from the shoulder of the Lord of Contagion.
The Destroyer Hive pipes on his back is made from chopped up lollipop sticks and greenstuff. And I've used a bit of greenstuff to fit the cloak around some of the pipes.
Lastly I've added a plague censor to he's scythe, to make it a bit bigger than those on the Deathshroud bodyguard.
I've painted Typhus in the same colours as the rest of the army. All the metals are a wet palette mix of different metals, so most metal areas is in a different tone.
The scythe (like all plague weapons) is covered in both Blood for the Blood God and Nurgles Rot.
The scythe blade is made from plastic card and is done in the same style as my converted Mortarion and Deathshroud Terminators. The screw nuts are made from a Green Stuff World press mold, an excellent little tool.
The head is an old (several editions back) chaos warrior from Fantasy. The first multi pose chaos warriors. The horn is from the shoulder of the Lord of Contagion.
The Destroyer Hive pipes on his back is made from chopped up lollipop sticks and greenstuff. And I've used a bit of greenstuff to fit the cloak around some of the pipes.
Lastly I've added a plague censor to he's scythe, to make it a bit bigger than those on the Deathshroud bodyguard.
I've painted Typhus in the same colours as the rest of the army. All the metals are a wet palette mix of different metals, so most metal areas is in a different tone.
The scythe (like all plague weapons) is covered in both Blood for the Blood God and Nurgles Rot.
19 December 2017
Frostgrave: Vampires
I got these three old metal Von Carsteins from a friend. Lovely characterful sculpts from Games Workshop. There'll probably only every be one vampire on the board in Frostgrave, but there's a single scenario containing 4.
Decided to go for a regal look on then, with some nice blood colours. I would still like to get a Nosferatu style vampire for the beastiary as well.
These guys could be a nice objective to kill or capture at the end of a Frostgrave campaign, fighting through a dungeon for them. Or perhaps with some rules on how your wizard could become a vampire.
Decided to go for a regal look on then, with some nice blood colours. I would still like to get a Nosferatu style vampire for the beastiary as well.
These guys could be a nice objective to kill or capture at the end of a Frostgrave campaign, fighting through a dungeon for them. Or perhaps with some rules on how your wizard could become a vampire.
16 December 2017
Dungeon Saga: Mortibis the Necromancer
Main bad guy in the core game of Dungeon Saga. Mortibis the Necromancer. I've went with purple, as I've already painted up a few cultists for Frostgrave in the same colours. So he'll see use in that game as a necromancer apprentice as well (his legendary version will be the wizard).
13 December 2017
40k: Death Guard 2nd Marine Squad
My second seven man strong squad of marines. All converted from Dark Imperium mono posers. Made so no model is like any in my first squad.
Lots of head, backpack and weapon swaps done on these guys. Also cutting away some excess details (I think there's too many horns and plague censors on some models).
Like my first shooter squad, this is made with a champion, two blight launchers and an Icon of Despair.
Bases are done with slime on each one, with bubbles made from half pearls. Also added rusted iron debris from twisted sprue.
The champion is the standard model from the Dark Imperium set. Going for one of each, there was no reason to convert this guy. Unlike the one in my other squad, who's build from a Blight Bringer.
My blight launchers are from Mantic Games, comes on their Plague Stage 3a sprues. Fit perfectly on the marines. I've painted yellow / black hazzard stripes on them, for easy identification on the battlefield.
The Icon of Despair is from the Nurgle Daemon Plague Bearers. One of the marines had a perfect post for carrying a banner. The checkered pattern is featured through out the army. And is done on a lot of the dark red fabrics. Like the hoods of my Death Shroud Terminators.
I think this guy originally had a plague knife in the one hand. Gave him his bolter instead, as he's in a shooty squad.
Check out my entire Death Guard army project here.
Lots of head, backpack and weapon swaps done on these guys. Also cutting away some excess details (I think there's too many horns and plague censors on some models).
Like my first shooter squad, this is made with a champion, two blight launchers and an Icon of Despair.
Bases are done with slime on each one, with bubbles made from half pearls. Also added rusted iron debris from twisted sprue.
The champion is the standard model from the Dark Imperium set. Going for one of each, there was no reason to convert this guy. Unlike the one in my other squad, who's build from a Blight Bringer.
My blight launchers are from Mantic Games, comes on their Plague Stage 3a sprues. Fit perfectly on the marines. I've painted yellow / black hazzard stripes on them, for easy identification on the battlefield.
The Icon of Despair is from the Nurgle Daemon Plague Bearers. One of the marines had a perfect post for carrying a banner. The checkered pattern is featured through out the army. And is done on a lot of the dark red fabrics. Like the hoods of my Death Shroud Terminators.
I think this guy originally had a plague knife in the one hand. Gave him his bolter instead, as he's in a shooty squad.
Check out my entire Death Guard army project here.
10 December 2017
Frostgrave: Armoured Skeletons
Another part of the Frostgrave and Thaw of the Lich Lord beastiary is the armoured skeletons. Here's the ones I'm using in games. Supported if needed (like late Thaw scenarioes) with armoured skeletons from Dungeon Saga.
Models were base coated with leather brown (army painter), drybrushed lightly with gun metal and the given a quick shade varnish. A nice and rusty look for the undead.
Left to right: Mantic skeleton, old Games Workshop metal model, Mantic skeleton, old Rackham model.
Models were base coated with leather brown (army painter), drybrushed lightly with gun metal and the given a quick shade varnish. A nice and rusty look for the undead.
Left to right: Mantic skeleton, old Games Workshop metal model, Mantic skeleton, old Rackham model.
9 December 2017
Dungeon Saga: Core Games Heroes
The four classic hero types for a dungeon crawler. A dwarf, a barbarian, a wizard and an elf.
I like how Mantic made the elf a girl. Not enough female characters out there.
The models are some decent sculpts, a bit on the thin side for my taste. Done in a time where Mantic were doing more true 28mm, opposed to their 32mm bulky sculpts now.
I've gone for four different colours, to make the heroes stand more out. I've also (as I always do) added a bowstring to the elf.
I like how Mantic made the elf a girl. Not enough female characters out there.
The models are some decent sculpts, a bit on the thin side for my taste. Done in a time where Mantic were doing more true 28mm, opposed to their 32mm bulky sculpts now.
I've gone for four different colours, to make the heroes stand more out. I've also (as I always do) added a bowstring to the elf.
8 December 2017
40k: Death Guard 1st Marine Squad
My first squad of regular Death Guard marines. All models are from the Dark Imperium box set, but I've made some conversions. I'm going for a 'no two models alike' in the army.
It's quite easy to do some simple conversions to get this, as the clunky nature of the marines begs conversion. So you might notice some head-, weapon- and backpack swaps. I've also made sure to drill out all weapon barrels.
I'll be making all the squads 7 man strong (Nurgle's holy number). It might not always make the most tactical sense in the game, but I always play for the rule of cool.
The entire 1st Squad in all its rotten glory.
The champion in this squad is converted from a Noxious Blightbringer. He's had his bell removed and the large horn re-arrenged. The powerfist is added from the original Champion and the plasma gun is from the bit box.
I've gone with a blue glow for all plasma weapons in the army, for easy identification during gaming.

Check out the entire Death Guard army project here.
It's quite easy to do some simple conversions to get this, as the clunky nature of the marines begs conversion. So you might notice some head-, weapon- and backpack swaps. I've also made sure to drill out all weapon barrels.
I'll be making all the squads 7 man strong (Nurgle's holy number). It might not always make the most tactical sense in the game, but I always play for the rule of cool.
The entire 1st Squad in all its rotten glory.
The champion in this squad is converted from a Noxious Blightbringer. He's had his bell removed and the large horn re-arrenged. The powerfist is added from the original Champion and the plasma gun is from the bit box.
I've gone with a blue glow for all plasma weapons in the army, for easy identification during gaming.

The blight launcher (greande launcher) weapon options seems the best allrounder, especially after falling in points from Chapter Approved 2017.
For the bligh launchers I've used the greande launcher bit from Mantic Games Plague Stage 3a. The scale fits perfectly with the marines.
The first marine is converted from a Champion model. I've added a head from Fantasy Blight Kings. Made a hood and tongue from greenstuff. The other marine is a standard marine, with the weapon swap and his helmet spike removed.
I've painted hazard stripes on the blight launchers, for easy idenfication during gaming.
Again going by the rule of cool, I want banners in all my squads. I don't know if I'll ever run them as actual Icon of Despair or just for the looks. But banners add a lot to a unit, that's why I also added one to my cultists (despite them not having rules for it).
This banner bearer is the grenade throwing marine. The banner pole is from the Plague Bearers. I don't know where the banner top is from, I found it in the bit box (but it must be a nurgle kit). The severed head is also from Plague Bearers.
The parchment is another unkown bit I found in the box.

Check out the entire Death Guard army project here.
5 December 2017
Frostgrave: Skeletons
My collection of skeletons is from all manner of games. But I'm using both Hero Quest and Dungeon Saga skeleteons. Haven't snowed these bases, as that would look out of place in their dungeons.
But the tufts I use and the leaves (birch tree seed) is common for both winter and dungeon bases.
I've also painted up some Loka (fantasy chess by Mantic Games) skeletons. Their fur boots and fur loincloths give them a nice Felstadt feel.
And this two skeletons is the highest needed on the random encounter tables for Thaw of the Lich Lord and core Frostgrave.
Check out my other Frostgrave Beastiary.
But the tufts I use and the leaves (birch tree seed) is common for both winter and dungeon bases.
I've also painted up some Loka (fantasy chess by Mantic Games) skeletons. Their fur boots and fur loincloths give them a nice Felstadt feel.
And this two skeletons is the highest needed on the random encounter tables for Thaw of the Lich Lord and core Frostgrave.
Check out my other Frostgrave Beastiary.
3 December 2017
Terrain Tutorial: Ruined Walls
A couple of years ago (around 2015 I guess) a lot of people were buying a specific toy castle from Simba Toys. Really cheap stuff. I managed to get one second hand off Ebay, super duper cheap. But the castle has lying around as parts, because in the end, I found it too toy like.
Here's what I've ended up doing with the 4 walls of the set. All in all it's become 68'' of ruined walls.
Step 4:
Add some cardbaord cobble stone details to the bases. I've also added them here and there along the edges of the walls. Cover the rest with sand. Make sure to add a good amount close the the wall, make sure it never breaks off.
I've prepped two pieces with room for a gate. Glue an iron nail, head on the base, and fix in the top with a bigger piece of cork. All prepped for some homemade iron gates. I plan on building some from bbq bamboo spears and add a magnets to the end. Easy open and close, and they can be detached when stored - less risk of breaking.
Step 5:
It's time to paint up the walls. I base coated them in a lot of black spray paint. Drybrushed the walls in grey. Painted the sand brown. No highlighting.
I then added static grass and ivy (cheap flock, super glued on and covered in super glue afterwards). Then some homemade snow paste (woodglue, white acryllic, white sand, baking powder).
After it dried I've sprayed with matt white from a long distance 60 cm (2') in small burst. Adding a nice frosty looking coat that I use on all my terrain, to bind it all together.
Lastly I've added winter flowers, I don't want these frost coated. They add just enough colour.
All pictures taken on a nice 3'x4' felt mat from Ceri Design. There's some written posts on my trees and my little ruined house.
Here's what I've ended up doing with the 4 walls of the set. All in all it's become 68'' of ruined walls.
- Toy plastic walls (lots of cheap toys out there).
- Cork sheets (I use cheap table protectors from Ikea).
- Cardboard
- Woodglue and superglue
- Your regular basing material
Step 1:
In my Simba castle there's 4 pieces of wall. I cut rows 4 stones wide - so I ended up with 8 pieces of clean wall. And a lot of extra windows and ramparts, saved to some other project.
The long thin pieces of wall I cut into different sizes in pairs. Some half pices, some a third of the length and so on.
The long thin pieces of wall I cut into different sizes in pairs. Some half pices, some a third of the length and so on.
Step 2:
I cut the cork table protector into square pieces. Just my hobby clippers to round the edges a bit. I used these to build pillars on the edges or inside the walls.
Using super glue, I glued wall paired pieces onto the base and the pillar. The top of these walls will be open. Cut some slices from the cork (roughly half of the pillar stones) and make some tiles. Round the edged on these tiles, like you did the larger stones.
Super glue these on top of the walls, hiding the hole.
Super glue these on top of the walls, hiding the hole.
Step 3:
Time to close up the ends of the walls. Cut as piece of cork that fit inside the end of the wall section (if not ending in a pillar). Rough it up with your clippers and glue in place. Let it stick out from the plastic a bit. Use some of all your cut off to add additional rubbble.
Step 4:
Add some cardbaord cobble stone details to the bases. I've also added them here and there along the edges of the walls. Cover the rest with sand. Make sure to add a good amount close the the wall, make sure it never breaks off.
I've prepped two pieces with room for a gate. Glue an iron nail, head on the base, and fix in the top with a bigger piece of cork. All prepped for some homemade iron gates. I plan on building some from bbq bamboo spears and add a magnets to the end. Easy open and close, and they can be detached when stored - less risk of breaking.
Step 5:
It's time to paint up the walls. I base coated them in a lot of black spray paint. Drybrushed the walls in grey. Painted the sand brown. No highlighting.
I then added static grass and ivy (cheap flock, super glued on and covered in super glue afterwards). Then some homemade snow paste (woodglue, white acryllic, white sand, baking powder).
After it dried I've sprayed with matt white from a long distance 60 cm (2') in small burst. Adding a nice frosty looking coat that I use on all my terrain, to bind it all together.
Lastly I've added winter flowers, I don't want these frost coated. They add just enough colour.
All pictures taken on a nice 3'x4' felt mat from Ceri Design. There's some written posts on my trees and my little ruined house.
2 December 2017
40k: Chaos Cultists
I really dig the Chaos Cultist models, they are full of character. Through some lucky trades I've managed to get a hold of two old boxes of Dark Vengeance. Selling the Dark Angels and Khorne Marines I've managed to end up with 40 free cultists and 2 free Hellbrutes.
Very minor conversion work done to these guys. I've added a banner, despite it not having any rules - other than rule of cool.
Did a few simple weapon and bajonet swaps.
I've used the same colours for these guys as my other Death Guard, but made sure to mix them around on the 'double sculpts' - a way to counter the monopose feel.
Very minor conversion work done to these guys. I've added a banner, despite it not having any rules - other than rule of cool.
Did a few simple weapon and bajonet swaps.
I've used the same colours for these guys as my other Death Guard, but made sure to mix them around on the 'double sculpts' - a way to counter the monopose feel.
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