As I've wanted to play this for years, but lacking players I decided to run a campaign myself. I've found some of the old mates (who are into RPGs, but don't do miniature gaming themselves). We've decided on warbands together and I build and paint them up. They only have to show up, drink a beer and play a game.
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.s: Inspired by the PC game and Metro 2033.
- Leader upgraded with plasma rifle and an up-armed minigunner. Here.
War boy V8 tribals: A melee heavy build. Using the tribal rules (cult of the v8), these guys could easily work as raiders as well. WIP blog here.
- Broiler and Fire Bug reinforcements.
Fiends: A raider group made to look and feel like the drug addict Fallout New Vegas raider group - the Fiends.
Slavers: A group of slavers inspired by the slaver guild in Fallout 2. playing with the Peacekeeper list for the build. And here's the blog with bit list.
- Reinforcements: Bloodhound, k-9 trainer and depen-o-bot.
- A killer female warrior with a rocket launcher and an smg.
Peace keepers: A NCR inspired group of lawmen.
- Here's a specialist tactical armed with LMG - reinforcement for the team.
- A new veteran officer, armed with AR and a bad attitude.
TNT features quite an extensive bestiary of random monster encounters. Here's my take on some of those.
- Rad Zombies: The Walking Dead - Wasteland Edition.
- Irradiator Zombies: Nuclear shining green zombies.
- Dungers: Mutated bear/boars - count as quite a few bestiary entries.
- Dogs, rats and flies.
- Super Mutants
- First guy is made from a The Others miniature.
- Dungerdon - A huge mutated mammoth thing from Ramshackle Games.
- Goliath - A huge squid alien.
- Big Stompy Robot - controlled by a mad scientist.
Specials, NPCs, Objectives
Wasteland slaves / prisoner from Ramshackle Games.
Caravanner NPC's.
A caravan build for the scenario of the same name.
Zombie nests - spawn points.
I've compiled the blog posts and tutorials on wasteland terrain on a hub here.
Links to small AARs of games, nice photos cool boards.
- Slavers and Peace Keepers fighting in a ruined urban area. Report.
- Slavers defending a caravan from Mutant Cannibals. Report.
- Stalkers and Peace Keepers trying to clear some zombie nest in Pest Control.
- V8 Raiders and a mutant family clashing in an old Nuka Cola factory.
- Mutant Cannibals and stalkers on a Snipe Hunt.
- Peace Keepers fighting a huge squid monster.
- Prison Rad Zombie Pest Control. Slavers vs Peacekeepers.
- Hunt for the Dungerdon - mini campaign
Map Project
A crazy project, trying to map out the different areas of the setting. And going to insert places we've battled and links to game reports.
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