This Is Not A Test

This Is Not A Test is a great little contained system in a very great rulebook. It was founded through kickstarter a bunch of years ago. I was lucky got get the book for cheap in a trade. Everything has a nice Fallout vibe in the book, but you can put any Post Apocalyptic (non vehicle based) setting into the rules.

As I've wanted to play this for years, but lacking players I decided to run a campaign myself. I've found some of the old mates (who are into RPGs, but don't do miniature gaming themselves). We've decided on warbands together and I build and paint them up. They only have to show up, drink a beer and play a game.


S.T.A.L.K.E.R.s: Inspired by the PC game and Metro 2033.

  • Leader upgraded with plasma rifle and an up-armed minigunner. Here.

War boy V8 tribals: A melee heavy build. Using the tribal rules (cult of the v8), these guys could easily work as raiders as well. WIP blog here.

Fiends: A raider group made to look and feel like the drug addict Fallout New Vegas raider group - the Fiends.

Slavers: A group of slavers inspired by the slaver guild in Fallout 2. playing with the Peacekeeper list for the build. And here's the blog with bit list.
Mutant Cannibals: A group of cannibals inspired by the hills have eyes, wrong turn and the angel family. Mutant CannibalsWIP post and bit list.

Peace keepers: A NCR inspired group of lawmen.


TNT features quite an extensive bestiary of random monster encounters. Here's my take on some of those.


Specials, NPCs, Objectives
Wasteland slaves / prisoner from Ramshackle Games.
Caravanner NPC's.

A caravan build for the scenario of the same name.
Zombie nests - spawn points.

I've compiled the blog posts and tutorials on wasteland terrain on a hub here.

Links to small AARs of games, nice photos cool boards.

Map Project

A crazy project, trying to map out the different areas of the setting. And going to insert places we've battled and links to game reports. 

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