15 January 2020

Reality's Edge: Sprawl bystanders

Reality's Edge need bystanders in the streets. This is a pretty cool element and I remember the author getting inspired by Gangs of Rome for this.

We've had a couple of Reality's Edge games and the bystanders haven't really done much - they're keeping their cool well. But it is awesome having civillians on a board.

My first thought was to paint up, fully detailed models, to use as crowds and bystanders. But that task would have been absolutly impossible - or at least take way too much hobby time.

In the end I ordered some train passengers from ebay. These fit nicely in size when based. My models are all over the place anyway, from true 28mm to heroic 32mm.

Took all the models, lined them up with double adhesive tape on a stick. Then used first black primer all over the models. I then higlighted with two different greys. Spraying top down on the models, for easy shadow/highlight. 

There's 100 models in the bag, with around 10 different sculpts. I sorted them out, getting one unique each single bystanders. I then sorted the rest into piles, the maximum possible crowds is around 6 - when rolling the right 'The Hitch' for a scenario. Made a couple extra crowds as well, because my regular opponent and I have the 'Iduro App'.

I glued the models in random patterns, filling out the 4" bases as good as I could. Then made sure there was room in the middle for a minuature blending in.

I added a heavy layer of strong tone to half the models and dark tone to the other half - making further differences in the nuances of grey on the crowds.

Last I found some news papers for print on google. Also added small pieces of black plastic bags. I wanted to keep the bystanders in grey scale - that's why I haven't added anything else to the bases.


  1. Great idea. I need to steal it some time. :D

  2. I love that, I might have to do something similar

  3. I have the exact same plastic figs for bystanders in my Gang Warfare streets!

  4. Great idea, Could you share the seller of the product? I am interested in getting some of them.

    1. Just search ebay for 1:50 train model passengers. Lots will pop up. China sellers, so change all the time.

  5. I just took delivery of a bag of these fellers from Amazon. Thanks Chris!
