31 October 2022

Terrain: Two Fantasy Houses - TTCombat

 Back when I started writing Guilders: A Life In Shadows I needed a fantasy city quickly. And I've been wanting one for many years. So I bought a bunch of cheap TTCombat kits. Might even have been bougth at some Black Friday deal to get it extra cheap. 

TTC have a line of super cheap small 25mm WWII building. The doors don't really look 25mm - but that's hobby scaling for you. 

Video: I Did a small video talking about these buildings and what I've done to them. 

Building: I've covered the complete upgrade from WWII to tudor style fantasy house before. So for the step-by-step you can check out this blog post. Same techniques used in this one. 

Set: Village Bakery

The first kit is the 25mm village bakery. I've made mine into a smithy instead. Instead of the greyboard awning, I added some actual fabric for a more realitic look. I found the Griswold smithy sign somewhere online. Tweaked the colors a bit in google photos. Printed and glued to cardboard. It's simply superglued to the bbq stick I added to the house. 

As with all my buildings I want to have as much of color as possible. I also look at the different buildings, so to mix up roof color, plaster and timber frame colors. The storm shutters and doors etc. I want it different across the entire city. 

The forge is not glued to the building. It's a Mantic Games terrain crate bit, can be moved around. It fits nicely against the wall. 

As always I've added walkways around some of the roof, for better thief acrobatic actions. 

Also posters are always added here and there. This time they're all from first Dunkeldorf kickstarter.

Maison Belle
The second house is another Maison Belle house, also from the TTC 25mm WWII range. By mistake I ordered two of these houses. So I made sure the change the timberframe a bit, use different colors and put the walkway at a different height. 

There's walkways on both sides of the house.

If you check out this shot, you can see how 25mm seems a bit of. The Fireforge peasent is 28mm (on the larger, heroic scale end) and he has plenty of room not to bump his head on the door. 

Each time I do one of these house I get better at detailing the walls. The thick cardboard rocks, the cross beam. All details that break up the flat MDF surface nicely. 

All buildings in my city have a 8mm-1cm wide flat top, so miniatures can walk across the roof top. 

A quick side by side shot of the two Maison belle houses. It's before the new one was finished. But it shows the massive diffence in detailing from my pre-paint work. Coffee stirrers instead of icecream sticks. Stones added at the foundation and painted bricks on flat areas. 

Thanks for reading people. 

As always make sure to follow some different SoMe. I use all the platforms differently. And if you like a great forumstyled community, come check out the Discord. Best hobby people around are in there. It's a very nice place. 

It's all on LinkTree.

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