29 July 2022

Thaumaturge reinforcements: Bear and crossbowmen

 For my thaumaturge warband I made a few reinforcements. The warband is a band of witch hunters, who's entering Felstadt to save it from bad magic. Here's the original full warband

Crossbow armed shooters are more in line with the theme than bows, I've made these with Oathmark humans, and warhammer bits (probably Empire and Brettonia). I've also painted them in the colors I'm using for my Guilders: A Life In Shadows and Oathmark humans. Same army and it'll let me reuse many miniatures across that. 

I also gave these guys swords (so they can work as marskmen) and backpacks. My frostgrave soldiers are always carrying all manner of gear. 

Bears! I love summon animal, it's my favorite spell. All my wizards tend to have it and gain some thematic bears. I wanted to paint one for if the apprentice (however unlikely) succeeds in summoning one. These are huge scifi bears from Ramshackle Games. I've filed off the scifi tubes and integrated rider legs.

Support my projects
Remember to show some love for the SoMe platforms, help Guilders and the blog grow. Jump onto LinkTree and drop some likes all around. There you'll also find the current rules for Guilders and the Guilders Lite Edition for an easier read. 

You should really check out Guilders: A Life In Shadows. It's my main project these days.

Wargames Vault / Drive Through RPG Affiliate

If you enter either side by the following links, some percentage of your buys will go to me. It'll all go towards the Discord Community and Guilders artwork. 

Here's the links (clicking them will remember my account for  14 days, when you enter the side however).

DriveThroughRPG and WargamesVault

26 July 2022

Guilders - The Guild of the Magi

 Here's another guild painted for Guilders: A Life In Shadows. This Guild has been build for my solo games (that you can find over on YouTube). This was also a good excuse for using a lot of various miniatures. I decided to go with the same color scheme for them, figuring it'll make it a bit easier during the videos. 

The leader os this guild is a Hedge Mage, starting with a few spells. His entire entourage is more that, than an actual guild. He is the top dog and eveybody else is beneath him. An arrogant man. 

Master Darkriver and Ulac
Master Darkriver is the guild master. An arrogant man and a talented hedge mage. Both his starting skill points are invested in cantrips. He can control crowds and absorb sound. 

Ulach is a half-orc pit fighter, that Darkriver bought free from slavery. After that she's fiercely loyal and his enfocer in the guild. The mini is actually an elf barbarian.

Both miniatures are from Blacklist Miniatures Fantasy Series 1.

Three Theives
The female thief goes under 'Offspring' and is the non-talented daughter of the guild master. In the middle is Karl and brutish thief with no finesse. The last cloaked guy is Umbridge. 

Offspring and Umbridge are from Massive Darkness. Offspring is a 'classic' fantasy miniature showing a huge amount of boob. Never liked that. I painted here chest as covered in a shirt and her legs with pants. Though the model is clearly designed for bare skin. 

Karl is a minaiture from Dunkeldorf. 

Street Urchin
These are excellent characters. Very cheap for the guild and can stay out of trouble. Both are Dunkeldort minaitures. They're named 'Stick' and 'Dung'. 

The tinkerer, crone and scum
I wanted a tinkerer for my guild, to gain all those extra free gadgets to use during Heists. His name is Tanner. The old crone is an Alchemist for free potions and a doctor. The dohn't pack any punch, but for a solo campaign I want the items and utility. Then they act as pack mules and carry stuff off the board. 

The scum is called Lemmy, armed with a crowbar for smashing doors and creating distractions. All minaitures are Dunkeldorf. 

Support my projects
Remember to show some love for the SoMe platforms, help Guilders and the blog grow. Jump onto LinkTree and drop some likes all around. There you'll also find the current rules for Guilders and the Guilders Lite Edition for an easier read. 

Wargames Vault / Drive Through RPG Affiliate

If you enter either side by the following links, some percentage of your buys will go to me. It'll all go towards the Discord Community and Guilders artwork. 

Here's the links (clicking them will remember my account for  14 days, when you enter the side however).

DriveThroughRPG and WargamesVault

19 July 2022

Terrain: Fully painted 3'x3'

 I've finally taken some photos of my entire 3'x3' city setup. I've finished enough kits and scatter to really fill out the board. Should have enough stuff to hit 4'x6' when (in years) it's all done. 

For now I'm really please with having a fully painted board for all the Guilders: A Life In Shadows stuff. 

There's step-by-step blog for most on this over here and many buildings are covered on YouTube as well. 

And here's a bunch of photos from a setup of all the terrain. 

Support my projects
Remember to show some love for the SoMe platforms, help Guilders and the blog grow. Jump onto LinkTree and drop some likes all around. 

Wargames Vault / Drive Through RPG Affiliate

If you enter either side by the following links, some percentage of your buys will go to me. It'll all go towards the Discord Community and Guilders artwork. 

Here's the links (clicking them will remember my account for  14 days, when you enter the side however).

DriveThroughRPG and WargamesVault

13 July 2022

Guilders - Lite Version

Guilders - Lite Version

The rulebook is getting pretty big and I realise that can be daunting to read for someone checking out a rule system (especially in a pure word-doc format).
So I've edited a Lite version of Guilders: A Life In Shadows. I hope that some of you will check it out and offer some feedback on the rules - or try out the game.
The Lite version is condensed to ~30 pages. It includes all the basic rules for the game, a scenario and three premade starting Guilds. It's filled with page references (for easy flipping back and forth) - It's perfect to try out the game.
All campaign stuff, skill section, marketplace have been removed. References to rules not used are gone as well. Instead the skills and gear is referenced directly in the starting warbands. It can't be easier to try out the system.
The Lite rules and the starting guilds are all uploaded to the public drive.

Find it all here: Google Drive