10 December 2018

TTCombat: Distribution Center

After playing Shadow Run: Returned on PC I wanted a storage building. It'll be good for cyberpunk games and the modern games I play. The building will also double as a 'mall' for Last Days: Zombie Apocalypse. Like a mall it can give the same bonus: lots of space and a store room.

This kit is huge! Lots of nice mdf. It also comes with some interior details like a ramp, truck, shelves and palettes.

There's not a lot of words to put on he build, it's really straight forward. The only fiddly parts is the platforms on the inside.

As always when doing mdf terrain, I sort out the pieces and spray paint them before assembly. Leaving virtually no work after assemble, a bit of details to pick out and weathering. Spraying works well as the mdf will soak up the paint in places, it gives an uneven look to the flat surfaces - instant nuances.

Decided to add a bit of detail to the large wall areas, so found some 'generic storage sign' on Google. Perfect fitting as it had the same colors as I already went with for the building itself.

Also added some details to the inside, just prints on papers. Did searches for 'shipping manifest', 'wall clock', 'calander'.

I've used a lot of Army Painter quickshade varnish on the walls. Used in excess it'll look like grime.

One wall is completely without detail, so an added sign really gives a lot to the surface.

A view from gate number 1 inside the building. The container is from the TTC cargo ship kit.

Top down view of the building. Adding a few containers on the inside will make some great firing lanes. The oil drums are toys and palettes are homemade from ice sticks. Tutorial here.

Dave never even clocked out when the apocalypse hit - he was pretty much a zombie back when he was alive.

Wade an everyday hero on the walkway, the ladder leads to the open windows on the roof.

One side of the warehouse. One ladder leading up to the walkway. The dumpster is a resin piece I got in a trade once.

The other side of the warehouse. The many different entrances does a lot for the buildings usefulness in gaming.

The front door, with a small printed paper clock on the wall and some shipping manifests on the ground

A 3'x4' setup of an industrial harbor. The mat is a homemade 3'x3' felt mat, with an added 1'x3' blue piece for water. The jersey barriers, one container, palettes and chain-link fences are all homemade. Find all the blogs on the terrain hub

A smaller 3'x3' setup on a harbor. The TTC Distribution Center really takes up a lot of space.

Thanks for looking
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The blog is written for my own pleasure and sense of hobby achievement. But I really value the interaction with other hobbyists. 


  1. Very cool! Wish I had the space for that.

    1. This is the biggest problem with this model. But I'm using it to store all my vehicles and containers. So the warehouse basically works as a box for a lot of other terrain.

  2. Just picked this up myself! Any change you could let me know the basic colors you used when you sprayed the parts - I'm very very new to actually painting terrain.

    1. Hi Jade.
      Sure thing I'll try. For this build I used:
      Cheap spray paint: grey, blue, black, red, metal.
      Acryllic paint for details: white and yellow.

      Process is: to through the instructions. Take out all parts as you go through it. Sort into piles for the color it's gonna be.

      Base coat it all on both sides.

      Bring in the piles amd start building.

      Very few place bthat doesn't need paint on both sides of the mdf. Front and back, triangle under the roof might be the only places.


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