31 July 2021

Fantasy: Cultists

 I recently posted my Necromancer, his minions and the starter warband for Frostgrave. The cultist models I painted up a long time ago. I think they were painted (at least build) way back for the Thaw of the Lich Lord campaign. 

It's a lovely kit. I build my cultist models to work on its own as a warband I would play - and cover what's needed for the Thaw campaign. 

As with most of my FG boxes, I only build 10 models. I sold off the other half and made back on my investment. I'm a trader - also hitting at getting near free models left for myself. 

When painting these I've used different greys and browns, and three different purples. Some were washes with purple wash and others with brown. To add different tones all over, but keeping them uniform. 

I decided to not add snow on their bases, as the models work very well for other games too. Could be used in Guilders or Nightwatch. 

Infantrymen or templars. Could work as both. I have an old metal Rackham model that I've also painted in purple, to work as a proper armored templar. Added a bit box cloak to one guy. 

Bowman and crossbowman. I don't recall adding extra bits to these, but I've added a bowstring (as I always do) to the box.

Treasure Hunters were the best troops in first edition, so these are build as that - to be used as thugs first. Gave them GW dwarf backpacks, cause thieves need to carry a lot of stuff. 

A thug and a knight / men-at-arms. Also added some bitbox cloaks to these two.

Lastly an apothecary and a tracker. Both staff are converted from the spears in the FG kits. The potion belt for the apothecary is gunpowder cannisters from olf GW dwarves. 

As always
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  1. Your work never fails to inspire and bring a smile to my face. Great work as always.

  2. Brilliant as always. I love these FG plastics too.

    1. Cheers. If it hadn't been for the brexit caused fees and taxes, I'd had stocked up on single sprues in the current sale.

  3. Its my least favorite Frostgrave set, but Your desaturated paintjob looks very good on them!

    1. Least favorite. Wow... Mine is the Snakemen for Ghost Archipelago, I really don't like the proportions on that kit. Second is Soldiers II. I love that there's a box of female soldiers. I just find a lot of the bits to be bad, too thin.

    2. Yeah, those pointy hoods, and the stylized weapons are too comic-like for me. Actually its the only set, Im not intended to buy... But all the others are great! Snakemen, well, yes, maybe the second least favorite, the arms are way too short, and they could have tails, but I still like them better (I love their heads!), and have no problems with the woman soldiers. My favorite is the knights set, I had to buy two boxes of them...

    3. Didn't get the knight sets. I try to combat my FOMO for new sets. And I really had a lot of armored models from fantasy series 1, bones etc. The kit looks awesome though.

      Same for all the Oathmark kits, they are so damn good. But I've tried to stop buying more. I have enough.

      Still went in on fantasy series 2 and dungeons and lasers.

    4. Knights is a great set! They are full of character (even compared to other Frostgrave sets), You dont have to be afraid of the armor, on most of the bodies its not that heavy. Here is what I made of them: https://oathgrave.blogspot.com/2021/01/36-frostgrave-knights-kill-again.html
      Oathmark kits are also great, we have almost all of them. The elven infantry is missing, because the elven army is my wife's, and she is the least passionate about the hobby (and those hooded light infantry looks better). And I dont have any humans, because those mustaches make them look like Asterix and Obelix characters in my eyes. And the undead, we dont have an undead army...

    5. Very nice work on those knights, it's a damn fine kit. Good kitbashes in there as well.

    6. Thanks! Yes, maybe the best things in the Frostgrave-Oatmark kits are the very easy and limitless kitbashing possibilities.

  4. I still have to try Nightwatch, but those cultists look great.

    1. Cheers. It's a good game. I know Todoroff is working for an RPG expansion for the base game. That's gonna be interesting.


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