A linkbase to browse the individual blog posts, all with multible photos.
Battle Reports and Let's Plays
From Frostgrave 2nd edition (for old 1st ed reports scroll down).
- The Silent Tower - photo showcase. No AAR.
- Perilous Dark
Going solo through the Perilous Dark campaign. - Maze of Melcor
A necromancer warband. Article on the wizard, undead bears, undead constructs, ghost illusionary soldiers.
A full warband of witch and demon hunting zealots.
- Reinforcements: Two Crossbowmen and another Bear.
A witch who first run through Thaw of the Lich Lord.
Dwarf Enchanter Warband
Chaos Dwarf Warband
Making a Chaos Dwarf warband to use in Frostgrave. So far I've done a
- Men-at-Arms
- Apprentice and Wizard
- Slave Goblin Packmule
- Apothecary/Priestess and Crossbowman
- Thief and Barbarian
- Ranger: A lovely metal model by Admiralty Miniatures.
- Demon Hunter: Geralt of Rivia, the Witcher
- Ragnar Lodbrok and Beserker, cool Vikings
- A thug ratcather from Dunkeldorf Miniatures.
Frostgrave Core Beastiary
It's a bit of a dream to paint up a complete Frostgrave Beastiary - for fun mostly.
- Skeletons
- Armored Skeletons
- Zombies
- Vampires
- Wraiths (also using Dungeon Saga models)
- Ghosts
- Imps, Familiars, Minor Demons, Major Demon
- Wild dogs, Snow Leopard, Bear, Spiders, Giant Rats, Ice Toads, Blood Crow, Boars, Wolves, White Gorillas
- Small, Medium and Large Constructs
- Living Museum Statues
Into the Breeding Pits
Maze of Melcor
Terrain / tutorials
I've made enough terrain for Frostgrave to cover a 3'x4' board, with a few extra options to switch between. All the terrain and the tutorials for my scratch build stuff, can be seen on the Frostgrave Terrain Hub.
Spell List and items
I've compiled all the spells of Frostgrave into a single document. Allows to find one completely random spell everytime you find any grimoire.
- Download the full game spell list here.
- MtG card style spell and items. Making these as I find spells and items in-game. But you can find the ones I've made here. Feel free to send you homemade cards (link to card maker), to me, compiling it here.
Reviews of various books and supplements.
Written reviews
- 2nd Edition Core Rules.
- Perilous Dark - the solo/coop expansion.
Video previews, unboxing and flip-throughs
- Flipping through the 2nd edition rules - video
Showcase posts 1st edition
Posts containing battle report photos and actions shots. See some of all the above in action with filters and so on.
- Thaw of the Lich Lord Ccmpaign
- Scenario 3, 4 and 5. Here.
- Scenario 6.
- Scenario 7 - lair of the Ghoul King
- Scenario 8 - The Cauldron
- Scenario 9 - The Bone Wheel.
- Scenario 10 - The Final Battle
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