40k: Nurgle Death Guard and Demons

I've always loved the Warhammar 40.000 setting, but I haven't played the game in a decade. Having lots of friends who played 7th edition, their meta was very competitive. And I found the game look ugly, with model pointing in random directions and units put to avoid template weapons.

... it wasn't the kind of game I liked to play. And I generally avoid anything but skirmish sized forces. With the release of Dark Imperium (40k, 8th edition), I managed to score 6 set cheaply through auctions. By selling the Primaris Marines and rulebooks, I ended up with an almost free Nurgle Death Guard army, and lots of conversion parts. 

This is the entire army showcased (lots of more photos through the individual blog post links).

A powerful warlord in the Death Guard. The guy behind the blessing of Nurgle on all the Death Guard. Converted from a Lord of Contagion. Full blog on the project here.

(A Lord of War) The boss man, the top dog. A super lovely kit. I've done a bit of conversion work on my models scythe. Blog post here.

Daemon Prince of Nurgle
This guy is an old Forge World resin Daemon Prince - a really nice gross dude. Full post.

Malignant Plague Caster
A chaos sorcerer with some serious stomach problems. Photo post.

The Glottkin
Painted up The Glottkin for my kid, I got it used and base coated - but it was very cheap.

1st Marine Squad
A unit of 7 marines. All converted from the Dark Imperium set. A shooty bolter and blight launcher squad. Lots of words on the conversions here.

2nd Marine Squad
A unit of 7 marines. All converted from the Dark Imperium set. A shooty bolter and blight launcher squad. Lots of words on the conversion and pictures here.

Chaos Cultists
The monopose cultists from Dark Vengenace (old core set). Minimum weapon swap work on these. And an added banner. Blog post.

Pox Walkers
The first batch of pox walker plague zombies. 24 models done of a total 100 zombies. No models alike, all converted to be unique.

Noxious Blightbringer
Walking with a giant bell, forcing the trooper faster forwards. Post.

Deathshroud Terminators
All three models are converted from the Dark Imperium Lord of Contagion miniature. Blog post here.

Fast Attack
Foetid Bloat-Drone
Trapped demons in a shell, with turbines for flying. Some nasty critters and super cool models.

Daemons of Nurgle

Herald of Nurgle
Part of the kit with a Demon Prince from Forge World. Lovely model.

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