Rangers of Shadow Deep

For all things Rangers of Shadow Deep. RoSD is an excellent solo/coop adventuring game based on the Frostgrave rules and self published by Joseph A. McCullough.

Rangers and companions

- My first warband is led by Haelga and is a mix of models from various sources. Went with maximum recruitment points.

Full blog.

- A ranger called Bottond the Black and his companions. Build for my son when we startede coop playing the game. Full blog.

- The auxiliary companions for the Bloodmoon scenario. Full blog.

- A men-at-arms that could be saved in 'The Bridge Guards' - never encountered him though. 

My collection of terrain for RoSD is slowly growing (as until recently everything build was covered in Frostgrave snow). But cool pieces are collected on this woodland hub or the Terrain Crate page.

Objectives and NPCs
Miniatures and tokens for objectives and NPCs
Monsters painted specifically for use in RoSD scenarios. 

Written reports from the different scenarios we play through, also containing lots of photos.

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