14 January 2022

Fantasy: Butcher Dwarf and market stall

 Here's a nice little piece I put together. It's a butcher from Dunkeldorf and his resin meat rack. Decided to put the Mantic Games terrain crate market stall as well. I really wish there was a pack with only these, but I don't think the Market Place kit is that well packed. So I might end up building more myself, should be easy enough. 

There's also some coming with the Dungeons and Lasers KS I'm waiting on. 

I had suprisingly many different meat bits in the bit box, from various warhammer kits I suppose. Beastmen and ogres mostly, but I'm unsure. Added those and some knives to the market stall, it already had sausages hanging in it. 

I would love to have a full market at some point. Lots of stalls with different themes in them. Different colors on them all as well. Would be perfect for Guilders

7 January 2022

Terrain - Patrons of the inn

 My main shop for any kind of supplies is King Games and I always back their Dunkeldorf Kickstarters. Absolutely amazing miniatures. When I got these Peakock Inn miniatures I had no plans for them at all, but with Guilders they have a use. I use them mostly as terrain in the city or as patron in the Tavern Brawl scenario. 

The different scatter pieces and furniture are from all over the place: King Games, Mantic, resin pieces unknown board game stuff. 

When I painted these guys, I really tried to make as many different colors as possible. To make the miniatures look even more different from eachother. 

3 January 2022

Guilders - A Life In Shadows 1.43 beta

 The new version of Guilders - A Life In Shadows is now up for download

In the 1.43 version there's several changes as a result of extensive playtesting. 

The rules for jumping has been tweaked - you could jump unrealisticly long before. The new rules are better and still reward high agility and acrobatic stats. 

Most of the changes are in the campaign system though. 

Injuries: These have been tweaked a bit. And you now need to buy medicine on the market to help bedridden guilders. Guilders who suffered a serious injury can't do jobs.

Jail and Bail: Now it needs to be paid at the Bailiff. 

Both these require guilders to do it as a 'job' in the after game play. We found after playtesting that too many guilders could do jobs, leaving a lot of them to take the 'roam the city' job. That would burn through the encounters too fast. 

Now it's much more balanced. If your guilders had a bad heist, they can also choose to go begging for coin. 

Overall the game is finished now. There's 10 very different scenarios included and a long campaign. I still need to add more Roam The City entries (I want 100) and a bunch of Loot II is still missing. 

Then it's on to playtesting a long pure solo campaign. The game should work playing solo. But it will probably need tweaking to be really interesting.