The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead miniatures game by Mantic Games is absolutely brilliant. Being a fan of both the comics and the TV series (though it has some very bad stretches), I had to jump on the Kickstarter.

The game plays quick and easy. It's really simply to come up with some scenarios to play on the go. And the quality of the packaging and contents are the highest I've seem from Mantic Games yet. 

Painted up and finished survivors. Lots of nice and characterful models. For all the Survivors I've gone over the comic books covers and applied the 'correct' colours where possible.

  • Go see the done Wave 1 Survivors here.
    • Includes Core Game, KS exclusives and the Days Gone By expansion
  • Ezekiel, Shiva, Clementine and Lee is here.  
  • Miles Behind Us (Greene Family Farm) here
  • Safety Behind Bars (Prison) here.
  • Made to Suffer (Woodbury) here.
  • Converted Daryl Dixon (TV Show) here.
  • US Army infantry squad.

For all the Walkers I've gone with a 'Necrotic Flesh' basecoat from Army Painter. The Walker models are all very easy and quick to paint. Lovely models... and you'll own far more then you'll ever need.

  • My done Wave 1 Walkers are here.
    • Includes Core Game, Days Gone By and Roamer Booster
  • Homemade Lurkers and backpack walkers here.
  • Miles behind us Walkers here.

I really don't like playing with cardboard terrain. So I'm building 3d terrain for all the cardboard pieces in the game. Links to blogposts with WIP, tips, tricks and showcase photos.

For all my modern terrain go check out this terrain hub. It contains lots of good stuff. Farm, prison and city.
Solo Campaign
Photos and reports from me solo gaming the campaign.

Action photos and battle reports
Photo posts from different game sessions.


  1. Hi!
    I have just discovered your blog and I can only say congrats for publishing such great content!
    I am just starting with my own TWD set and I will be coming back here for lots of ideas and reference.
    I hope someday to build up my TWD Terrain using yours as a guideline. It simply looks brilliant. And you have shared so much and with so many details that you make it look easy! Even though I know it is not that easy :)
    I had the idea of using newspapers and leaves in the bases like you have done, but have not done that yet. I want to do them in batch at the end. You may have published that one but I did not find it, therefore, would you mind sharing how are you basing the figures and how do you make those leaves and newspapers?

    1. Sure thing. Man... the notifications on this blogger is bad. I don't really see the comments being posted around on it, and have no idea how to fix it!

      Anyway - Basing.

      I use pva / wood glue. Cover half the base and dip in sand. Let dry. The asfalt areas are then made with a couple layers of wood glue, slapped on.

      The leaves are birch tree seeds. Just go and harvest them in autumn (or buy a leaf cutter from GSW and cut them out of regular leafs).

      Newspapers are from DriveThroughRPG 'pay what you want' file.


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