
Oathmark is a rank and file battle game by Osprey Games, written by Joseph McCollough who's also done Frostgrave and Rangers of Shadow Deep.

After the death of 8th edition Warhammer, I've only been into skirmish game size - which is obvious by this blog. But Oathmark brough me back, and here I am painting up an orc and goblin army.

Orcs and Goblins
I'm going for a real old school Lord of the Rings feel to my orcs. No GW comic barbarians in my army. Gonna be using all manner of bits and pieces, mixed, converted, second hand - keep cost down and make it different. 



  • Troll: A Dungeon Saga troll. 

Was lucky to get send an advanced copy of the Oathmark rules. Back then I wrote a review, which can be read here.

Most of the terrain used for Oathmark will be my northern europe inspired fantasy terrain. Check it all here.

But I've made some Oathmark specific pieces.

Army Shots

  • 500 pts Orc and Goblin army

  • 1000 pts Orc and Goblin army
    • Video: Showcasing and talking about units.

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