Terrain: Dungeon

This is a collection of all the different posts I've written for my 3d dungeon project. There's detailed step-by-step posts, painting blogs and so on .


Tile 1: Corner
  • Materials, design, buildng, tips for strength.
  • Layout thoughts, stone work designs, modularity.

  • base colors on walls and floor. Youtube video.
Finishing touces - all tiles. 
  • stone details, weathering, homemade washes, rolling pins / xps foam. Youtube video.
  • Furniture and dungeon interior.

Youtube Videos
Links to the different youtube videos about the project. 

  • Video 1: Going over the project, making floors, sanding and painting some base colors. 
  • Video 2: Painting all the floors. 
  • Video 3: Detail painting, weathering and XPS foam / rolling pins. 
  • Video 4: Really should be the first one. Making a design and carving foam details.
  • Setup video: Showing off finished 4 tiles and terrain crate stuff. 

Terrain Crate
I have a bunch of Mantic Games Terrain Crate pieces. All the bits and bobs painted from that is collected here.

Specific rooms, collections of terrain bits and bobs for a certain theme. 

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