15 August 2017

Terrain: A farm

I want to cover all The Walking Dead scenarios with 3d terrain, instead of the cardboard stuff in the boxes from Mantic. I've already made terrain for the core game and Days Gone By. Here's my version of Dale's RV.

For Miles Behind Us it's all about making stuff that fit on the farm.

Fencing and gate
Made from looted MDF board, BBQ sticks, popsickle sticks and glue. Cut some bases for the fences from MDF, just a bit longer than the cardboard ones. It's good to keep them short, as it allows smaller sections to be taken out - by ramming, flames, explosions. The angles are cut, to allow setting up closed corners.

Drilled holes in the MDF to insert the BBQ sticks. Glued them on with wood glue. Let it dry. Then gave the entire thing another layer - to make sure the stay in place.
A drilled a hole in the base for the fence gate section. I inserted a magnet into the base and at the buttom of the gate. Allows it to open and close. Made sure the gate was wide enough for two 25mm bases side by side.

 Hay Bales
 First I wanted to make square hay bales, but I couldn't make it look right. The round ones (very common in Denmark in this size)  were super easy to make.

I got an old burlap sack for free at the grocery store. Cut it into strips, rolled them up to the right size, held them together with elastic bands. Small ones, used when the girls braid their hair. Let the hay bales soak up some drops of cheap super glue, to make them solid. Unfortunately the glue killed the rubber bands and made them break.

Base coated the hay bales brown, drybrushed with a couple different yellow and tan colours. I didn't add grass to the bases for these, as I want them to fit well outside and inside a barn loft.

A toy I snatch from my youngest son - he has a lot of tractors. This one seemed to fit in size really well. It's a pretty simple toy, with very little detailing - but a paint job does a lot about that.

Gave it all some pretty heavy washes of Agrax Earthshade, Nuln Oil, Dry Rust. The mud on the wheel and buttom are homemade: wood glue, cheap acryllic brown and used coffee grains.

The base is purely for aesthetics, it helps turn a toy into a model.

The cheapest door mats I could find. 1$ at a local flea market. I really like all the door mat fields out there. The problem with them, is how weird it looks when the models are walking on top of grown weat. These do a good job of looking like newly harvested fields.

The tire tracks were made with lots of wood glue, sand and thick acryllic paint.

A TWD board
Just got myself a Deepcut Studio mat. But these pictures were snapped before I got it. But here's the terrain on a standard 20" Mantic paper mat. Looks a lot better on the neoprene mat.


  1. That is a beautiful set. Inspiring to see a tabletop brought to life like this. When I say inspiring please don't think I'm just going to ape you ideas in my own TWD project. I will :D , but it also edges me toward a start on a truly epic Necromunda project. I need to play that one and really nail the game scape!

    1. Thank you. Necromunda returns! It's absolutely fantastic. It instantly moved several planned indsutrial sci-fi builds up the que.

  2. Very nice. Great ideas and well executed.

  3. Creative and very nice job, I really enjoyed reading and looking at this!


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