29 September 2020

Renedra Barn and Terrain Crate

Some time ago I bought the Warlord Games farm animal set, because I wanted some cows to make Brahmin for This Is Not A Test. And for a very few coins extra I could get a hard plastic Renedra barn in the deal - so I got that instead. Made a few upgrades to the kit.

Wanted to make this barn and some terrain crate scatter pieces for the village needed in the first Rangers of Shadow Deep scenario.

Scavenged a bunch of strawberry boxes from a dumbster, perfect basing material. Add a cross of duct tape on the back, this will prevent warping when the thing is covered in pva glue. It's like magic! Te best trick.

The barn is easy enough to assemble, fairly simple kit. I used my hobby knife to cut out the barn doors and glue then in an open position (the sides are molded with closed doors in one piece). Attached the barn to the base with hot glue.

Cut up some bbq sticks with my hobby clippers. Roughly 2 cm pieces.

Using hot glue gun add the sticks to the base. Then I used thin mahogany sheets looted from a saw mill, 1mm thich pieces. Cut out long strips to make a fence. Used some wood glue for this part.

Made a hay stack outside the barn. Glued a stone to the base and covered it in yellow flock from Green Stuff World. The water thing and hay bale are from Mantic Games terrain crate. 

Added some 'ivy', superglue on the building and then some green saw dust flock.

I strew some yellow flock on the floor inside the barn to look like scattered hay.

Added some terrain crate details outside the little side shed. The logs and bucket are terrain crate pieces.

Wurt the woodcutter from Dunkeldorf looking like he lost something.

The wagon is one of the coolest pieces from the terrain crate kickstarter, it's a detail that adds a lot of life to a village setup.

And a pile of goods.

Check out all the terrain pieces on the board in my woodland fantasy hub.

A quick video from setting up for a game of Rangers of Shadow Deep. Full AAR is here.


  1. Nice work on this Barn! Nice painting on the minis i really like wurt.

