5 October 2020

Cyberpunk VIPs

For the first scenario in Hardwired I need a VIP, for the agents to capture. In my bag of unsorted scifi miniatures I found a couple of Dreadball coaches. The warden from the prisoner team and a nasty looking doctor. Perfect objective miniatures for cyberpunk and scifi gaming.

A very quick paint job on these guys. White base coat on the doctor and grey on the warden. Then a few added details and a layer of wash. Super easy.

The teal green is vallejo verdigris, super nice colors. The tablets have a green screen made with vallejo flourescent green.

The dreadball miniatures are fairly small compared to many 28mm models. But the doctor still look alright next to some star saga lab technicians. Will need to go teal on the next ones I do of these.

Here's the warden, mob leader, corporate bossman hanging out with a few gangers - from my Reality's Edge crew.


  1. "In my bag of unsorted scifi miniatures" are you for real mate? I mean you accually got a bag of unsorted minis by type? Lucky you! :-) ANyways just stopmed on your blog by a chance and I am really glad I did. Lots of games I play myself Ghost Archipelago and Deadzone (Yeah!!!). Best of luck and happy wargaming!!!

    1. Hi Damian. Sorry for the late reply, messed up some settings. Cheers. I do.

      Two years ago I sorted every single bit and model that i own. All planend warbands and project got individual bags, with extra bits, labels and everything. Have been using it ever since.

      There's also a bag named 'unplanned scifi' for example.

      Glad you found the site.

  2. Great job, I like that evil scientist very much!

    1. It's such a cool little model. I have some killer robots from terminator for him to boss around!

  3. Do you happen to know where the Evil Scientist came from?

    1. He's a coach for one of the Dreadball seasons from Mantic Games.
